Dulce Base is the unofficial name for an alleged secret underground facility under the Archuleta Mesa in Dulce, New Mexico, United States.
Paul Bennewitz, employed at a filtration manufacturer with government contracts was the first to raise claims of a secret base in New Mexico
The Dulce underground base in fiction
- In the alternate history anthology Alternate Presidents, Michael Dukakis is revealed to be an alien upon being taken to Dulce Base, which causes the Base's personnel to rewrite history to allow George H. W. Bush to be elected President instead.
- Dulce Base is key in the Area 51 novels.
- According to Valve, the game Half-Life was based on the Dulce Base lore.
- Dulce Base appeared in the comic series The Invisibles, where it housed a secret AIDS vaccine.
- Dulce Base and Archuleta Mesa played a major role in the early run of the "Outlanders" series of novels from Gold Eagle.
The Dulce underground base on Television
The Dulce Base was the subject of an episode of the History Channel program UFO Hunters. In the second episode of the show's third season, the investigators travelled to Dulce to interview residents, witnesses, and fellow investigators, as well as get a closer look at the Archuleta Mesa, under which the base is reportedly hidden. Although there was evidence of cattle mutilation and several witness reports of seeing UFOs in the area, no hard evidence as to the facility's existence was discovered during the investigation.
UFO Hunters -- S03E02 - Underground Alien Bases
Taken from the book, Entrances to Subterranean Tunnels "Underground Alien Bases"An underground Military Base/Laboratory in Dulce, New Mexico connects with the underground network of tunnels which honeycombs our planet, and the lower levels of this base are allegedly under the control of Inner Earth beings or Aliens. This base is connected to Los Alamos research facilities via an underground "tube-shuttle." (It can be assumed that such a shuttle way would be a straight-line construction. It should then be possible, by using maps and some deduction, to determine the most likely location of this base, especially since the general location is already known.)
Beginning in 1947, a road was built near the Dulce Base, under the cover of a lumber company. No lumber was ever hauled, and the road was later destroyed. Navajo Dam is the Dulce Base's main source of power, though a second source is in El Vado (which is also another entrance). (Note: The above facts should also help to locate the base.) Most of the lakes near Dulce were made via government grants "for" the Indians. (Note: The September, 1983 issue of Omni (Pg. 80) has a color drawing of 'The Subterrene,' the Los Alamos nuclear-powered tunnel machine that burrows through the rock, deep underground, by heating whatever stone it encounters into molten rock, which cools after the Subterrene has moved on. The result is a tunnel with a smooth, glazing lining.)" (Note: Where would the molten rock go? And what has been done with this concept since 1983?)
UFONAUT News: Underground Dulce Base Whistleblower - Colonel X
(Excerpt from "Cosmic Top Secret" by William H. Hamilton III)
"Dulce is a sleepy little town in northern New Mexico of about 900 population located above 7,000 feet on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. There is only one major motel and a few stores. It's not a resort town and it is not bustling with activity. But, according to a few outsiders, Dulce harbors a deep, dark secret. The secret is harbored deep below the tangled brush of Archuleta Mesa. The secret is said to be a joint government-alien biogenetic laboratory designed to carry out bizarre experiments on humans and animals.
New Mexico State Police Officer Gabe Valdez was drawn into the mysteries of Dulce when called to investigate a mutilated cow in a pasture 13 miles east of Dulce on the Manual Gomez ranch. Gomez had lost four cattle to mutilations between 1976 and June 1978 when a team of investigators which included Tom Adams arrived from Paris, Texas to examine the site of the carcasses.
Curious as to how cattle were being selected by the mysterious mutilators, an interesting experiment was conducted on July 5, 1978 by Valdez, Gomez, and retired scientist Howard Burgess. They pinned up about 120 of the Gomez beef cattle and moved them through a squeeze chute under an ultraviolet light. They found a "glittery substance on the right side of the neck, the right ear, and the right leg." Samples of the affected hides were removed as well as control samples from the same animals. Schoenfeld Clinical Laboratories in Albuquerque analyzed the samples and found significant deposits of potassium and magnesium. The potassium content was 70 times above normal.
Some investigators attribute the mutilations to aliens from UFOs. UFOs have been seen frequently around Dulce. Sightings of strange lights and other aerial phenomena have been reported in many areas where the cows have been found at the time of the reported mutilation.
On April 19, 1988, I arrived in Dulce to visit with Gabe Valdez and inquire about the sightings, the mutes, and the rumors of an underground alien base. Snow was still on the ground. I checked into the Best Western Motel and called Valdez to make an appointment to see me at 9:30 PM. I found Gabe to be a very congenial host, offering to show me around the roads of Dulce that night and point out some various locations where he had found mutilated cows or had seen strange aerial lights. He made the astounding statement that he was still seeing unidentified aircraft at the rate of one every two nights.
We took a look at the Gomez Ranch, the road by the Navajo River, and the imposing Archuleta Mesa. Gabe had found landing tracks and crawler marks near the site of the mutes, and was convinced that scientist Paul Bennewitz of Thunder Scientific Labs in Albuquerque, was definitely on the right track in his attempts to locate the underground alien facility in the vicinity of Dulce. No one knew for sure where the facility was located or how humans or aliens gained secret entry to the facility.
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Researcher William Moore claims that the government agents became interested in Bennewitz's activities and were trying to defuse him by pumping as much disinformation through him as he could absorb. Whether Paul's communication with supposed aliens at the Dulce Base was part of this disinformation campaign is unclear. If we believe that Paul is the single source of reports on the Dulce Facility, then discounting Paul's story and discrediting him could be a tactical maneuver. The actual disinformation maneuver would result in making the public believe there was nothing to the Dulce story."
If you are interest in this metter you have to reed this book o
The Dulce Report: Investigating Alleged Human Rights Abuses at a Joint US Government-ExtraterrestrialBase at Dulce, New Mexico An Independent Report by © Dr Michael E. Sallak"
"Project Subterrene" and the D U M B s - Deep Underground Military Bases
The US military has built at least 140 Deep Underground Military Bases (known as D.U.M.B.s because the general public is too dumb to realize). Worldwide there are nearly 15,000. Reportedly under construction since the 1940s, these bases are on average the size of a small city, 10 - 30 miles across with an average depth of 4 miles. They are carved out by massive nuclear powered laser drilling machines and connected by underground mag-lev train lines. The bases are stocked with food/supplies and have the ability to grow crops with artificial lighting. Why do you think governments around the world are building huge networks of underground cities? Why are they secret? Where do you think the money comes from to build these?
Photo of United States Air Force tunnel boring machine at Little Skull Mountain, Nevada, USA, December 1982. There are many rumors of secret military tunnels in the United States. If the rumors are true, machines such as the one shown here are used to make the tunnels. (Source: U.S. Department of Energy.)
This is a $13 million tunnel boring machine (TBM) used for tunneling at the Nevada Test Site. (Remember that Area 51 is part of the test site.) Many other types of TBMs are used by many government agencies, including the 'nuclear powered TBM' [NTBM] that melts solid rock and leaves behind glass-like walls.
Most tunneling activity is under military installations and all information is highly restricted. Former employees of said facilities have surfaced over the years to talk of massive underground installations in places like Area 51, the Northrop facility in Antelope Valley, California (rumored to have 42 levels), and the Lockheed installation near Edwards, California.
The 'Black Budget' currently consumes $1.25 trillion per year. At least this amount is used in black programs, like those concerned with deep underground military bases. Presently, there are 129 deep underground military bases in the United States. They have been building these 129 bases day and night, unceasingly, since the early 1940's. Some of them were built even earlier than that. These bases are basically large cities underground connected by high-speed magneto-leviton trains that have speeds up to Mach 2. Several books have been written about this activity.
The average depth of these bases is over a mile, and they again are basically whole cities underground. They all are between 2.66 and 4.25 cubic miles in size. They have laser-drilling machines that can drill a tunnel seven miles long in one day. I was involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest base. It goes down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep. I helped hollow out more than 13 deep underground military bases in the United States.
More thought-provoking images of tunnel boring equipment:
From Dr Bill Deagle's December 2006 Granada Forum Lecture:
I took care of John Fialla, who was best friends with Phil Schneider. How many people know about Phil Schneider? Well, they were using tunneling machines back in the mid-90s that could tunnel through a rock face at seven miles per day, that could cut through a rock face with high-energy impact lasers that could blow the nano-sized particles of rock so that there was no debris left, forming an obsidian-like core, and laying an inner core for unidirectional maglev trains that travel at Mach 2 to 2.8 underground between these very very powerful and organized cities.
There's 132 under the United States, an average of 5.36 to 7.24 cubic miles in size at an average of 1.5 to 4.5 miles underground, built, by and large, most of them in areas away from geotectonic areas - but there's going to be lots of new geotectonic faults established when you have force 11, 12, 13, 14 earthquakes hit the Earth.
Why are they rushing to do this? Because they know that catastrophe is coming. And where's this money coming from? It's not coming from our regular Black Op budget. It's coming from the illegal sale of drugs. In the United States there's at least, by conservative estimates, a quarter of a trillion to a half a trillion of illegal drugs just sold in the United States that goes directly into underground budgets, and 90-95% goes to the DUMBs [Deep Underground Military Bases].
The following was written by Richard Sauder, PhD, adapted from his book Underground Bases and Tunnels:
The nuclear subterrene (rhymes with 'submarine') was designed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, in New Mexico. A number of patents were filed by scientists at Los Alamos, a few federal technical documents were written - and then the whole thing just sort of faded away.
Or did it?
Nuclear subterrenes work by melting their way through the rock and soil, actually vitrifying it as they go, and leaving a neat, solidly glass-lined tunnel behind them.
The heat is supplied by a compact nuclear reactor that circulates liquid lithium from the reactor core to the tunnel face, where it melts the rock. In the process of melting the rock the lithium loses some of its heat. It is then circulated back along the exterior of the tunneling machine to help cool the vitrified rock as the tunneling machine forces its way forward. The cooled lithium then circulates back to the reactor where the whole cycle starts over. In this way the nuclear subterrene slices through the rock like a nuclear powered, 2,000 degree Fahrenheit (1,100 Celsius) earthworm, boring its way deep underground.
The United States Atomic Energy Commission and the United States Energy Research and Development Administration took out Patents in the 1970s for nuclear subterrenes. The first patent, in 1972 went to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.
The nuclear subterrene has an advantage over mechanical TBMs in that it produces no muck that must be disposed of by conveyors, trains, trucks, etc. This greatly simplifies tunneling. If nuclear subterrenes actually exist (and I do not know if they do) their presence, and the tunnels they make, could be very hard to detect, for the simple reason that there would not be the tell-tale muck piles or tailings dumps that are associated with the conventional tunneling activities.
The 1972 patent makes this clear. It states:
"... (D)ebris may be disposed of as melted rock both as a lining for the hole and as a dispersal in cracks produced in the surrounding rock. The rock-melting drill is of a shape and is propelled under sufficient pressure to produce and extend cracks in solid rock radially around the bore by means of hydrostatic pressure developed in the molten rock ahead of the advancing rock drill penetrator. All melt not used in glass-lining the bore is forced into the cracks where it freezes and remains ...
"... Such a (vitreous) lining eliminates, in most cases, the expensive and cumbersome problem of debris elimination and at the same time achieves the advantage of a casing type of bore hole liner."There you have it: a tunneling machine that creates no muck, and leaves a smooth, vitreous (glassy) tunnel lining behind.
Another patent three years later was for:A tunneling machine for producing large tunnels in soft rock or wet, clayey, unconsolidated or bouldery earth by simultaneously detaching the tunnel core by thermal melting a boundary kerf into the tunnel face and forming a supporting excavation wall liner by deflecting the molten materials against the excavation walls to provide, when solidified, a continuous wall supporting liner, and detaching the tunnel face circumscribed by the kerf with powered mechanical earth detachment means and in which the heat required for melting the kerf and liner material is provided by a compact nuclear reactor.This 1975 patent further specifies that the machine is intended to excavate tunnels up to 12 meters in diameter or more. This means tunnels of 40 ft. or more in diameter. The kerf is the outside boundary of the tunnel wall that a boring machine gouges out as it bores through the ground or rock. So, in ordinary English, this machine will melt a circular boundary into the tunnel face. The melted rock will be forced to the outside of the tunnel by the tunnel machine, where it will form a hard, glassy tunnel lining (see the appropriate detail in the patent itself, as shown in Illustration 41). At the same time, mechanical tunnel boring equipment will grind up the rock and soil detached by the melted kerf and pass it to the rear of the machine for disposal by conveyor, slurry pipeline, etc.
And yet a third patent was issued to the United States Energy Research and Development Administration just 21 days later, on 27 May 1975 for a machine remarkably similar to the machine patented on 6 May 1975. The abstract describes:A tunneling machine for producing large tunnels in rock by progressive detachment of the tunnel core by thermal melting a boundary kerf into the tunnel face and simultaneously forming an initial tunnel wall support by deflecting the molten materials against the tunnel walls to provide, when solidified, a continuous liner; and fragmenting the tunnel core circumscribed by the kerf by thermal stress fracturing and in which the heat required for such operations is supplied by a compact nuclear reactor.This machine would also be capable of making a glass-lined tunnel of 40 ft. in diameter or more.
Perhaps some of my readers have heard the same rumors that I have heard swirling in the UFO literature and on the UFO grapevine: stories of deep, secret, glass-walled tunnels excavated by laser powered tunneling machines. I do not know if these stories are true. If they are, however, it may be that the glass-walled tunnels are made by the nuclear subterrenes described in these patents. The careful reader will note that all of these patents were obtained by agencies of the United States government. Further, all but one of the inventors are from Los Alamos, New Mexico. Of course, Los Alamos National Lab is itself the subject of considerable rumors about underground tunnels and chambers, Little Greys or "EBEs", and various other covert goings-on.
A 1973 Los Alamos study entitled Systems and Cost Analysis for a Nuclear Subterrene Tunneling Machine: A Preliminary Study, concluded that nuclear subterrene tunneling machines (NSTMs) would be very cost effective, compared to conventional TBMs.It stated:Tunneling costs for NSTMs are very close to those for TBMs, if operating conditions for TBMs are favorable. However, for variable formations and unfavorable conditions such as soft, wet, bouldery ground or very hard rock, the NSTMs are far more effective. Estimates of cost and percentage use of NSTMs to satisfy U.S. transportation tunnel demands indicate a potential cost savings of 850 million dollars (1969 dollars) throughout 1990. An estimated NSTM prototype demonstration cost of $100 million over an eight-year period results in a favorable benefit-to-cost ratio of 8.5....Was the 1973 feasibility study only idle speculation, and is the astonishingly similar patent two years later only a wild coincidence? As many a frustrated inventor will tell you, the U.S. Patent Office only issues the paperwork when it's satisfied that the thing in question actually works!
In 1975 the National Science Foundation commissioned another cost analysis of the nuclear subterrene. The A.A. Mathews Construction and Engineering Company of Rockville, Maryland produced a comprehensive report with two, separate, lengthy appendices, one 235 and the other 328 pages.
A.A. Mathews calculated costs for constructing three different sized tunnels in the Southern California area in 1974. The three tunnel diameters were:a) 3.05 meters (10 ft.)
b) 4.73 meters (15.5 ft.)c) 6.25 meters (20.5 ft.)Comparing the cost of using NSTMs to the cost of mechanical TBMs, A.A. Mathews determined:Savings of 12 percent for the 4.73 meter (15.5 ft.) tunnel and 6 percent for the 6.25 meter (20.5 foot) tunnel were found to be possible using the NSTM as compared to current methods. A penalty of 30 percent was found for the 3.05 meter (10 foot) tunnel using the NSTM. The cost advantage for the NSTM results from the combination of,(a) a capital rather than labor intensive system,(b) formation of both initial support and final lining in conjunction with the excavation process.This report has a number of interesting features. It is noteworthy in the first place that the government commissioned such a lengthy and detailed analysis of the cost of operating a nuclear subterrenes. Just as intriguing is the fact that the study found that the tunnels in the 15 ft. to 20 ft. diameter range can be more economically excavated by NSTMs than by conventional TBMs.
Finally, the southern California location that was chosen for tunneling cost analysis is thought provoking. This is precisely one of the regions of the West where there is rumored to be a secret tunnel system. Did the A.A. Mathews study represent part of the planning for an actual covert tunneling project that was subsequently carried out, when it was determined that it was more cost effective to use NSTMs than mechanical TBMs?
Whether or not nuclear subterrene tunneling machines have been used, or are being used, for subterranean tunneling is a question I cannot presently answer.
The Phil Schneider's Dulce Base event
The man that killed 2 alien greys
The Fire Fight At Dulce Base ( Phil Schneider's own words)
"Back in 1954, under the Eisenhower administration, the federal government decided to circumvent the Constitution of the United States and form a treaty with alien entities. It was called the 1954 Grenada Treaty, which basically made the agreement that the aliens involved could take a few cows and test their implanting techniques on a few human beings, but that they had to give details about the people involved. Slowly, the aliens altered the bargain until they decided they wouldn't abide by it at all. Back in 1979, this was the reality, and the fire-fight at Dulce occurred quite by accident.
"I was involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest base. It goes down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep. At that particular time, we had drilled four distinct holes in the desert, and we were going to link them together and blow out large sections at a time. My job was to go down the holes and check the rock samples, and recommend the explosive to deal with the particular rock. As I was headed down there, we found ourselves amidst a large cavern that was full of outer-space aliens, otherwise known as large Greys. I shot two of them. At that time, there were 30 people down there. About 40 more came down after this started, and all of them got killed. We had surprised a whole underground base of existing aliens. Later, we found out that they had been living on our planet for a long time, perhaps a million years. This could explain a lot of what is behind the theory of ancient astronauts.
"Anyway, I got shot in the chest with one of their weapons, which was a box on their body, that blew a hole in me and gave me a nasty dose of cobalt radiation. I have had cancer because of that.
"I didn't get really interested in UFO technology until I started work at Area 51, north of Las Vegas. After about two years recuperating after the 1979 incident, I went back to work for Morrison and Knudson, EG&G and other companies. At Area 51, they were testing all kinds of peculiar spacecraft. How many people here are familiar with Bob Lazar's story? He was a physicist working at Area 51 trying to decipher the propulsion factor in some of these craft.
Ancient Aliens - Underground Aliens S02 E04
Fascinating, an eye opener! Interesting to hear that funding comes from drug money. The way this happens needs describing.
ReplyDeleteYou don't mention the hollow earth hypothesis, yet do mention aliens living underground. Who are the humans they interact with, just military? Humans as lab rats, so what's the pay-off, new technology? What happens if these aliens get out of control, they don't seem friendly?
Widgetserver.com needs replacing because it is a source of malware. Visitors to your site will probably be affected.
why don't we here about this i live in albuquerque and no ones talking. I havent seen any strange stuff here yet. I have herd rumors Dulce moved to KAFB but where? There is no evidence of this..
ReplyDeleteNope, sorry, your explanation on these boring devices don't hold water. Even if you use molten rock to glaze the tunnel walls and force into cracks caused by the boring process, the mass of the molten rock does not change, therefore, if you bore a tunnel 20 feet in diameter and 20 feet long, just for the sake of simplicity you still have 400 cubic feet of debris to dispose of. If you use all of it, that is the 400 cubic feet you just bored out, to glaze the tunnel, you've just sealed off the tunnel you bored. Even if you are filling cracks, you have to account for the debris that fell when the crack opened. Matter does not just disappear.
ReplyDeleteSame mass does not necessarily mean same volume/density, volume doesn't need to disappear, it can be condensed for it to work, there is air/gasses that can be removed from the rock to make it denser. Boom
DeleteMany Native American tribes claim to have come from underground, the Hopi say A Hopi Legend
ReplyDeleteThe First People of Tokpela, the First World, were safely sheltered underground as fire rained down upon the earth. Volcanoes and fire storms destroyed all that was above them until the earth, the waters, and the air itself was all elemental fire.
While this was going on, the people lived happily underground with the Ant People. Their homes were just like the people's homes on the earth-surface being destroyed. There were rooms to live in and rooms where they stored their food. There was light to see by too. The tiny bits of crystal in the sand of the anthill had absorbed the light of the sun, and using the inner vision of the center located behind the eyes they could see by its reflection very well.
Only one thing troubled them: the food had begun to run short.
It had not taken Sótuknang long to destroy the world, nor would it take him long to create another one. But it was taking a long time for the First World to cool off before a Second World could be created.
A distância entre Dulce no Novo México e Los Álamos é de 1835 Quilômetros, ou seja 1160 milhas.
ReplyDeleteSeria o maior túnel do mundo, digno para entrar no Livro Guinness kkkkkkkkkkkk
The youtube video about "project subterrene" has icorrect grammar/spelling on EVERY single slide I saw. The fact that this site has the link to that video helps me doubt all of the unproven information in this article. P.S. I also live in ABQ near kirtland AFB, and have my whole life and have never heard/ seen anything related to anything in this article. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteOnly problem i find with this: Um.. All those those volcanos in the area... Yes. Those random patterned massive round and pointy tipped "teet" (lol) looking geological formations are volcanic.
ReplyDeleteSo. Like. They just "magically know" how to navigate around and under all those magma tunnels and avoid all that magma?? And, like, it's not going to affect their tunnels/bases?
And, how come Mr. Scheider is still alive if a hole was blown in his chest?? And, what of his political tangeant in one of those vids? What did that have to do with the price of crystal meth and marijuana in mexico??
Yeah. Not sold.
PS.. Just remember that Your Lord is *Not one eyed. You'll be good ;)
i also live in abq and i have never even heard about this until now
Thanks for sharing. i really appreciate it that you shared with us such a informative post..
ReplyDeleteYou may not have heard of this because this is in Dulce NM not Abq. I live outside of Pagosa Springs only about 45 minute drive on the back roads to dulce and I have heard about this since I was a child and myself many people in my family and community have seen creatures nothing like a "grey" lights and other things that we cannot explain... however I don't believe all of this I do think that there is something in our area not sure if it's government alien or indian curse? but something is different here I go to Dulce often the people seem normal and nice... my grandfather said that back in the 80's he worked digging water tunnels in the archuleta mesa but he doesn't seem to make anything of it we have asked him many times and he said it seemed normal to him my in-laws have a two family ranches nearby and have had cattle mutilations and also feel like there is something in our area like demons
ReplyDeleteWow the funding is coming from drug money that is crazy. Wouldn't it be cool to actually have the news really give the true news instead of this. Thanks for the read learned a lot.
ReplyDeleteEver made a zip file on your computer, it condenses the information and saves space on your hard drive. Same idea if you pack snow down it doesn't disappear but takes less space, it's density increases and its overall volume decreases.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't they talk about this on the news instead if talking about what the Kardashians ate?
ReplyDeleteInterested in your story. Also own property adjacent to Archuleta Mesa. Noticed lights at about 11pm. Stationary and descending by 1am. Talked to local neighbors who worked on tunnel. Interested ...please respond.
Police brutality is linked with this somehow especially how they want bundys cattle
ReplyDeleteMy boyfriend is from Dulce. NM. He has heard about this since he was a kid. The elders even seem to believe this is true. I stayed there over the summer and there would be some days where you would see black hawk helicopters flying toward archuleta mesa. To me this was strange but to everyone else it seemed normal.
ReplyDeleteI think it is all very true and that the government is just trying to hide all of this from us instead of coming forward. I mean half of the world probably knows about this so whats the point of hiding it? I mean ive never heard of this base until last year. Its all very interesting to me just as the brown mountain lights are. I think phil schneider did the right thing. He was practically telling us that aliens are real and they can be dangerous.
ReplyDeleteI want to be a part of this, I may not be worthy now, but I will be. Contact me if this is a possibility
ReplyDeletei hve also seen many strange things.. nd i strongly believe in this.. thnks for the information ..
ReplyDelete"The US military has built at least 140 Deep Underground Military Bases (known as D.U.M.B.s because the general public is too dumb to realize). Worldwide there are nearly 15,000. Reportedly under construction since the 1940s, these bases are on average the size of a small city, 10 - 30 miles across with an average depth of 4 miles. They are carved out by massive nuclear powered laser drilling machines and connected by underground mag-lev train lines. The bases are stocked with food/supplies and have the ability to grow crops with artificial lighting."
ReplyDeleteThis passage demonstrates what's wrong with the entire article.. You made extremely unrealistic claims without any source material to back it up. Articles like this dominate the UFO-related side of the Internet, and serve only to discredit the scientific and objective ones.
Thanks for slowing us down a bit.
The new world order is coming
Delete"The US military has built at least 140 Deep Underground Military Bases (known as D.U.M.B.s because the general public is too dumb to realize). Worldwide there are nearly 15,000. Reportedly under construction since the 1940s, these bases are on average the size of a small city, 10 - 30 miles across with an average depth of 4 miles. They are carved out by massive nuclear powered laser drilling machines and connected by underground mag-lev train lines. The bases are stocked with food/supplies and have the ability to grow crops with artificial lighting."
ReplyDeleteThis passage demonstrates what's wrong with the entire article.. You made extremely unrealistic claims without any source material to back it up. Articles like this dominate the UFO-related side of the Internet, and serve only to discredit the scientific and objective ones.
Thanks for slowing us down a bit.
Good post.