Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Este blog foi criado no sentido de dar luz a muitos dos mistérios da humanidade,foi criado pela necessidade de unir varias pessoas que partilham os mesmos interesses e teorias.
É um blog abrangente e virado para muitos assuntos entre eles : As tradições Hiperboreanas, o Vril,o Arianismo antigo, as tradições e misticismo Celta e Lusitano, Crop Circles, OVNI´s, Megalitismo, as armas secretas do III Reich (as suas raizes tecnicas e misticas), a sociedade de Thule e Vril, Ana Orsic e as suas Mediums, os Wikings e alguns outros assuntos
a todos as minhas boas vindas Hyperboreanas

This blog was created in order to give ligth to some of the mysteries of mankind, it was created by the need to unite several people who share similar interests and theories.
It is a open blog and faces many issues including: Traditions hyperborean, the Vril, Arianism, Celtic and Lusitanian
ancient traditions and mysticism , Crop Circles, UFOs, Megalithism, Secret Weapons of the Third Reich (their roots technical and mystic), the Vril and Thule Society, Ana Orsic and their Mediums, the Wikings and some other matters
to all my Hyperborean

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